Training in our school integrates the essence of many different traditional martial arts styles into one unique system Leishi Wudao
(雷氏武道 Thunder Style System). As a basic introduction, students start with Chuantong Changquan (傳統長拳 Traditional Long Fist Boxing), and later on move in to the more complex styles which include Piguaquan (劈掛拳), Bajiquan (八極拳), Fanziquan (翻子拳), Chuojiao (戳腳), and Emei (峨嵋派), as well as hard and soft Qigong (氣功), and numerous classical weapons (器械 Qi Jien).
Below is a brief description of each style:
CHANGQUAN 長拳 (Long Fist)
The main characteristics of Long Fist are graceful extensions in posture and agility and speed in movement. Long Fist practitioners fight to the extreme of their length. They move fast, jump high and far, and combine hardness and softness, fast and slow motions, and stillness. The movements of Long Fist are quick, powerful, and rhythmic. Their generation of energy is powerful and the origin and outlet of the energy are clear.
Changquan is more suitable to youngsters who can enhance strength, speed, agility, elasticity and endurance through exercise and practice. It helps develop the physique and teach the techniques and skills in offense and defense. That's why in our school Long Fist style is taught in Kids and Teens classes ("Little Dragons", "Young Tigers" and "Teen Classes"), and at the beginners’ level in Adult Kung Fu program.

Bajiquan is straight forward with rooted stances, yet heavy and powerful movements. The techniques are characterized by simple, quick, and powerful strikes.
The rule for the body form is to keep the body straight, using the spine as an axis. Many movements use shoulders, back, elbows, and pelvis. The sequences are short, but rich.
Emperor Qian Lung said, For peace and soft style, we have Tai Chi, but for fighting, we have Baji. Another Wushu proverb says: For ministers, Tai Chi is used to run the country, and for generals, Baji is used for defending the country.
Bajiquan’s foundation is a powerful and strong rooted posture, which is why it is more suitable for someone who has a bigger, stronger body type and who likes to move more forward than to the sides. Baji can enhance strength versus speed. Its strategy and power reside in offense versus defense, by not stopping with one action when attacking. That's why it was commonly practiced by bodyguards.
Fanziquan relies almost exclusively on punches and short range attacks. The power of this style has been compared to falling rain droplets of a severe storm since the strikes are continuous, leaving one’s opponent no time to recover. The force behind the strikes is like that of a "machine gun" shooting out. Fanziquan boasts short, vigorous movements, compact and well-knit routines and swift force application. Techniques can be applied in different ways, and several techniques can be applied at the same time. Since Fanziquan is characterized by a quick succession of hand and foot movements, an old saying goes that Fanziquan is like a string of firecrackers going off.
Fanziquan is very fast in practice and in fighting – speed is the most important thing. It is suitable to someone who mainly likes using punches, speed, and close range distance. The best body type for this style is not too tall, someone who likes to focus on endurance by throwing fast multi-angle punches and using quick footwork.

Chuojiao is a method of using the feet in martial arts. Our school teaches the old branch of Chuojiao called Jiuzhuan Lianhuan Yuanyangtui (九轉連環鴛鴦腿). The training principle is not to stop or rest for each set or form, but rather always performing one step (步 Bu) and one kick (腿 Tui) together at the same time. Every step is kicking out, and like the mandarin ducks couple, always together and paired; if there is a top - punch (拳 Quan), there is a bottom - kick (腿 Tui). If a kick is from the left, the right will follow, and it’s always continuous (連環 Lianhuan ), without stopping.
Chuojiao is called King of Legs! The traditional method is to kick with each step during practice or fighting. Chuojiao consists of high footwork (there are practically no low stances) with powerful and flexible kicks. This style is for you if you like to kick and wish to have strong and flexible legs.
Piquaquan 劈掛拳 also know as Tongbei/Piguaquan 通備劈掛拳 is the origin of power issuing (劲 Jin) training and is used in our school as a foundation for this practice.
This style is more suitable to people with a taller, thinner body type and long arms and legs, which have a greater interest in flexibility in movements. It can enhance their maximum potential in generating power from fast, relaxing movements coming from using the waist and chest, not caring about fixed steps or stances. Piguaquan is not an easy style to learn, but is very powerful if it matches the right student to use his/her potential by correct, traditional training.

Emei 峨嵋 is a very large system with many different schools and styles. Our school mainly teaches Shaolin Emei and Wuji System. The techniques are soft, continuous and powerful with fast punches, fast takedowns/grappling (快跤 Kwaijiao), heavy throws (摔跤 Shuaijiao) and attacks on vital points (點穴 Dianxue). The system also integrates the essence of soft and hard Qigong and emphasizes the cultivation of Qi and spirit with the goal of enlightenment.
Every single movement is very practical, strong but graceful. If you like rhythm, strength and precision in striking vital points and attacking an opponent’s center using takedowns, this style will suit you. If you care about beauty and effectiveness, you should take this long road and practice this system.
FREE SPARRING (散打 SanDa or 散手 SanShou)
San Shou (散手 Sparring) focuses on martial arts applications. Its training contents are drawn from many schools and traditions of Chinese martial arts. At our school the program is divided into: solo practice, matching routines (對練 Duilian), Chinese wrestling (摔跤 Shuaijiao), Western wrestling and ground fighting, joint lock & control (擒拿 Qinna), push hands (推手 Tuishou), special develop speed and reaction training, strength and endurance training, body conditioning, iron shirt (鐵布衫 Tie Bu Shan) and internal energy work (氣功 Qigong), which finally all together leads to free sparring (散手 Sanshou).

Chinese martial arts involves practice with weapons as well as the standard barehands skills. Weapons used now by martial arts practitioners originate mainly from ancient military weapons. The four major weapons - staff, saber, sword, and spear have been widely used by all martial artists since ancient times in all different styles of Chinese martial arts. They are also the main weapons used in today’s competitions. We can also divide Chinese weapon by 4 categories:
Long Weapons
Short Weapons
Soft (Flexible) Weapons
Double Weapons
Martial Arts Tumbling (翻滾跳躍)
Fanguntiaoyiao also known as Zhaji (雜技 Acrobatics). The program is divided into seven training groups. It's based on the traditional Kung Fu styles like Di Tang Quan (地躺拳 Ground Tumbling Boxing) and Cui Ji Quan (醉酒拳 Drunken Boxing); those styles are known by difficult acrobatic stunts, and its techniques have a much higher degree of difficulty. This class focuses on tumbling, falling, rolling, and looping exercise, high jump and performing extremely difficult tricks. As for martial arts aspects, there are attacking blows, punches, kicks, takedowns and lock controls, hidden in the movements of tumbling, turning, somersaulting,
Our school manly concentrate on classical traditional Yang 楊 and Chen 陳 style Taijiquan (太極拳 Tai Chi Chuan),
and Taiji Qigong (太極氣功 Tai Chi Chi Kung), which we offer every Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Baguazhang (八卦掌 Pa Kua Chang), Xingyiquan (形意拳 Hsing I Chuan), Liuhebafa (六合八法 ) and other Qigong styles,
are offer only periodically, or as a privet classes.
Please contact Chinese Martial Arts Division of Athletic Balance, LLC to learn more
Below is a brief description of this Internal styles:
Taijiquan (太極拳 Tai Chi Chuan)
Taijiquan has been practiced by the Chinese for health and self-defense for many centuries. The study of Taiji gives the practitioner an excellent method for relaxation and for enhancing internal energy (氣 Qi). It can be practiced by people of all ages. The practice of Taiji has been shown to improve one’s health with a variety of problems such as high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, stomach ailments, heart problems, and nervousness.
Taijiquan is a healing/martial art that combines martial arts movements with Qi circulation, breathing, and stretching techniques. It utilizes the ancient philosophy of Yin-Yang (陰陽學說) and the Five-Element theories (五行學說) for its foundation and for establishing its training principles. There are many styles of Taijiquan throughout China. We offer classes in traditional Yang 楊 and Chen 陳 styles Taijiquan.

Baguazhang (八卦掌 Pa Kua Chang)
Baguazhang (Eight Trigrams Palms) is based on the theory of Bagua (Eight Trigrams), which source was the Yi Jing (Book of Changes), which is basic to Chinese philosophy and culture. Baguazhang is boxing with special features in footwork and turning of the body. It uses changing palm techniques of pushing, holding, carrying, leading, thrusting, cutting, blocking, etc. The practitioner walks crisscross in all directions. It features swift body movements, flexible footwork, and constant changes of directions. Its circling patterns strengthen the torso and knees.
Xingyiquan (形意拳 Hsing-I Chuan)
Xingyiquan (Form and Mind Boxing) features the five basic techniques (based on five elements: metal, water, wood, fire, earth): splitting fist, drilling fist, smashing fist, cannon fist and crossing fist. Simple and steady movements, as well as straightforward and compact routines, characterize Xingyiquan.
The practice Xingyiquan, as well as Taijiquan or Baguazhang, improves the Qi circulation in the body and maintains health. In addition, the training builds up an abundant level of internal Qi so that both the physical and the mental bodies can be strengthened.

Qigong (氣功 Chi Kung)
Qigong is the ancient art of cultivating Qi (氣 intrinsic energy) for health, longevity, martial skill, and spiritual development. Qigong is used today by tens of millions of people worldwide for health maintenance, sports training, and outpatient treatment for many diseases. For health purposes, the goal of one’s training is to learn how to maintain smooth Qi circulation in the twelve Qi channels and how to fill the eight Qi vessels with an abundant level of Qi. As a martial artist, you also learn how to apply the Qi to the techniques to make them more powerful and effective. That means combining the internal energy and the external physical body into one.
There are many styles and methods of Qigong practice which developed through the years in China. We offers classes for:
Medical Qigong 醫療氣功, Daoist 道家氣功, Buddhist 佛家氣, and Martial Arts Qigong 武術氣功
Liuhebafa 六合八法
Liuhebafa (Six Harmonies Eight Methods) is also referred to as "Water Boxing" (shui quan 水拳). It originally passed down from generation to generation only to a handful of gifted and chosen students with exemplary courage and moral character. Liuhebafa literally means Six Harmonies and Eight Principles. It utilizes the power of Xingyi as its center, utilizes the stepping patterns of Bagua for its turning and spinning, and utilizes the neutralizing power of Taiji for its variations. Its movements are sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. These movements resemble that of floating clouds, and flowing water that is sometimes calm, sometimes surging. Therefore, it is also known as Water Style. As an internal art, it not only serves as a system of self defense; it also benefits health, strengthens the body, dispels sickness and increases longevity.